Because No One In Gunnison County Has To Fight Cancer Alone image

Because No One In Gunnison County Has To Fight Cancer Alone

Support our friends and neighbors affected by cancer

$52,080 raised

$50,000 goal

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!


In the midst of this pandemic, many of our friends and neighbors are also battling cancer, often with already compromised immune systems that make self-isolation, social distancing, and health precautions absolutely critical.

However, they don't have go to through this fight on their own -- together we will provide support for Gunnison County's cancer patients, their caregivers and their families.

  • Our quarterly financial grants provides relief to families struggling with medical bills, travel expenses and job loss.
  • Our therapy programs include individual therapy and group therapy sessions with experienced, licensed therapists to help individuals, their families and caregivers deal with the stress brought on by a cancer diagnosis and treatment.
  • The young adults and children in our community who've experienced cancer in their families have a group of their own, the Youth Group; a place to connect with peers and engage with activities and discussions with an experienced therapist.
  • While Gunnison Valley Health has excellent facilities to treat some forms of cancer, other forms require treatment in Denver, Grand Junction, or outside the state. Traveling for treatment introduces a whole new set of obstacles for cancer patients, their families and their caregivers. Through our travel fund they are able to receive funds to help with that travel, outside of our regular financial grant cycle.
  • Sometimes cancer patients and their families need unique support, whether that is help with housework or cooking, or a ride to a doctor's appointment -- Living Journeys is their community cancer support and is in the unique position to provide direct help to those in our community who are struggling.

Gunnison County has residents from the ages of 5 to 85 who are battling cancer.

It is our’s privilege to inspire hope, courage and strength to each of our clients and their families through our financial, emotional, and travel support programs. We are so honored to be able to sit with a client though tears, while they share their story, and tell them “We’ve got you.” And it’s always a joyful day when we can celebrate with clients who’ve received positive test results or ended their last treatment.

Our community needs your help --

Together we can ensure that no one in Gunnison County has to fight cancer alone!

Learn more at:

We welcome you to learn about Michael's story and how he manages to live with his cancer while staying motivated and optimistic:

Living Journeys: Because no one in Gunnison County has to fight cancer alone